• WASH

We work to create access to essential services (water, sanitation and waste) for disadvantaged populations. We implement projects relating to access to essential services, conduct training to improve and manage services, training and awareness-raising actions among local populations with respect to health and hygiene. We are involved in lobbying and advocating for people’s right to clean drinking water, sanitation, hygiene and safe disposal of waste. Our interventions include:

  • Conservation of rain water by rain water harvesting structures to address the acute drinking water problem..
  • Community Led Total sanitation needs to achieve 100 % ODF Villages.
  • School based WASH programs
  • Behaviour change interventions for improved hygiene and sanitation practices particularly hand washing, water quality and ODF.
  • We have developed a comprehensive well articulated IEC/BCC strategy.

Our strategy:

  • Programmatic approach on WASH by capacitating the partner NGOs on rights based approach and lobbying and advocacy skills for joint implementation of the programme.
  • The local partner NGOs organize activities as per work plan, mobilize beneficiaries, volunteer support, and organize local contribution. The partner NGOs jointly monitor the program activities and process and ensure quality, impact and individual NGO own the activity in the block.
  • The community user groups and committees organized at different levels of interventions are capacitated to independently lobby and advocate for their access and ownership of drinking water and sanitation facilities
  • Existing women Groups/their SHGs are actively involved in implementation/monitoring/evaluation of the project.
  • Behaviour Change receives priority with a well articulated IEC/BCC strategy.
  • Integrating schools, school children and teachers and school local management committees, school head masters and teachers.
  • Village Panchayats are actively involved in the planning, implementation and management in order to sustain the water and sanitation facilities.
  • Community members particularly women, members from scheduled caste/tribe and poor will are  encouraged to actively participate in the planning, site selection, implementation, monitoring and maintenance. 
  • Equity and Social Inclusion Approachby empowering the excluded groups in the communities for access to WASH, particularly targeting women, children, people with disabilities, and people living with chronic illness including HIV/AIDS to claim their rights to WASH