Cultural Diversity


SRADHA as a lead organization ensures that indigenous youth are empowered as decision-makers to protect their language, identity, ownership, and intellectual property right on their art, cultural products, and livelihood there from and capacitate younger generation preserving and sustaining the culture of their ancestors. To strengthen its mission, SRADHA, together with its local partners, is engaged in

The continuous orientation of indigenous youth (men and women) through information, education and communication programs on policies, agendas, and programs of the government, non-government, indigenous people’s organizations and un agencies concerning indigenous people and communicating their responses to the wider world and enabling them to speak and advocate for themselves

Capacity building training on digital technology – audio, video, ICT, social media platforms, e-books, audio-books, and digital storytelling

Skilling the youth to become successful creative entrepreneurs, develop their enterprises, and opportunities of their choice informal sector.

Integrating ICT to their production process, marketing and value chain

Capacity building for participating in the public policy process concerning them

Knowledge building on intellectual property right on their art, cultural products, stories, unique products and documentations on them

  • Awareness-raising on the need for their consent in spreading their cultural products and their claim on the revenue generated in the value chain.
  • Leadership development, critical inquiry on issues concerning their cultural products and negotiation skills


SRADHA pursues Youth-led activities like promoting rights of youth particularly indigenous youth, building the role and capacity of youth in peace-building, leadership, conflict transformation, networking, etc.

SRADHA mobilizes the support of non-indigenous youth and educators to support the issues concerning indigenous people including promoting endangered indigenous languages through literacy development programs, bilingual teaching in schools, and second-chance education for school dropout youth.

Together with like-minded partner agencies, SRADHA implements programs on peacebuilding, food security, water conservation, climate-resilient agriculture, health and wellness, skill for life activities targeting youth.

SRADHA capacitates youths on knowledge and skills in conflict transformation through creative pursuits like filmmaking, music, dance, and youth advocacy to engage them for their rights.

SRADHA empowers youths to work in equitable partnerships as media makers and cultural, social, and political change agents.

In our peace-building programs, youths use their stories, films, and documentaries to host courageous conversations about the conflict in their communities, inspiring others to take action and build peace. Throughout such a process, youth deepen their critical awareness about the systems that perpetuate the conflict and develop their leadership skills and knowledge of peacebuilding theories, social, political, and cultural change. We support youth to take action towards changing these systems in the long term and inspire others to do the same.

Promoting Cultural Diversity& Digital Creative Industries

We capacitate women as entrepreneurs working in the digital creative industries and create networks and opportunities in the digital creative industries.

We organise female-led creative mentorship programmes for women in partnership with digital creative hubs, incubators and clusters.

We give visibility to the work and innovations of women entrepreneurs in the digital creative industries;

We strengthen the digital skills of women working in the creative industry;

We collect and analyze sex-disaggregated data with a view to better understand the underlying causes of gender inequality in the digital creative industries with a view to inform policy making.  We implement projects that lead to structural change through the introduction and/or elaboration of policies and strategies that have a direct effect on the creation, production, distribution of and access to a diversity of cultural expressions, including cultural goods, services and activities,

Our areas of interest include

  • Engaging youth, women and artisans in cultural policy making and/or implementation;
  • Improve access to markets for cultural goods and services through policy advocacy and promotional mechanisms;
  • The development of innovative models and/or digital solutions for the creation, production, distribution and access to diverse cultural goods and services;
  • Undertake capacity gap assessments and capacity building activities;
  • Widen participation in the creation, production and distribution of cultural goods and services to  excluded social groups;
  • Increase women’s representation as creators and producers of cultural expressions through professional networks and capacity development;
  • Advocate for equitable access to cultural events, goods and services.

Digital Technology

  • Capacity building training on digital technology – audio, video, ICT, social media platforms, e-books, audiobooks, and digital storytelling for indigenous youth
  • Digital literacy for women entrepreneurs and farm women
  • Digital access to out of school children – providing them Second Chance Education opportunity
  • Integrating ICT to rural production process, marketing and value chain in farm and non-farm sectors